The Cheese Quest

As I type this, your intrepid cheese-hunting heroes are laying partially-clothed under a duvet in our AirBnb, which looks suspiciously like a small garage that someone decided to paint glittery pink, hang some of that "Live, Love, Laugh" tat in French all over the shop and sit back waiting for chumps like us to fill their pockets with gold.

Our first stop finds us largely in the middle of nowhere, marvelling at just how dark rural France can get. After our struggle with the electric vehicle we'd resolved to enjoy a commiserative meal at a restaurant, but after pulling up at our lodgings we found that the only eatery within a reasonable distance closed at 3pm in the afternoon so we'd have to break into our stash of sandwiches.

Ah yes, the car. We've never done a road trip in an electric vehicle before. Turns out you have to charge them often. Also turns out that it's not so easy to find those chargers. You also have to make sure once you have found said chargers, that they have the right plug for your car. And also that you can work with whatever digital paywall stands between you and that sweet AC/DC ready to hurl you closer to your destination. Tonight we managed to run out of charge, get charged €70 to register to use a machine, only for it to flat-out refuse to charge our car, resulting in a very tense gauntlet run essentially having booted the car into 'safe mode' and coasting on whatever the Tesla-equivalent of fumes is. Photons perhaps. The resulting celebration when we managed to roll towards a compatible charger just in the nick of time was both awash with relief, and an indication of just how ready we were to find where we were staying, drop off our gear and well, sit on the bed and write this for want of something to do.

Tomorrow we plan to be up and out early so we can (re)charge the car, and find some caves which allegedly hold vast quantities of cheese in them. I keep forgetting that they don't actually mature the cheese in the caves this time of year (I suspect they wouldn't do much maturing frozen in suspended animation) but it will be interesting to hang out where the cool cheese does during the Spring and Summer months.

We'll be sure to keep you posted on the latest lactose-filled developments, so stay tuned...